Test Your First Playbook

To test our playbook, we'll use curl to send our alert. You may use any other HTTP request sending tool you’re comfortable with.

Here's the alert payload we'll be sending

  "alert_name": "Suspicious Login Detected",
  "response_plan": "InvestigateLogin",
  "details": [
      "username": "bruce.wayne",
      "ip": ""

If you’re sticking with curl, save that payload in the investigate_login folder in a file called test_case.json. Then execute the below curl command from the root of your socless-playbooks repository to send the payload to your Event Endpoint. Be sure to replace {endpoint-url} with your action endpoint URL.

curl -X POST {endpoint-url} -d @playbooks/investigate_login/test_case.json

Once the request completes, you should receive a message in the #bat-signals channel. Furthermore, the AWS Step Functions console will show the execution history for your playbook.

Congratulations! You've successfully completed your first playbook 🍾

Keep on learning by heading to the tutorial on Interacting with Humans in Slack