Your First Endpoint

Socless uses Event Endpoints to receive event/alert data from external systems and trigger playbooks.

At their core, Event Endpoints are simply AWS Lambda functions that invoke the create_events function from the socless Python library with the information necessary to register the event within Socless and trigger the appropriate playbook. As such, the bare-bones, psuedo-code implementation for any Socless Event Endpoint looks like this:

from socless import create_events

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    # Populate event_details object with approriate fields
    event_details = {
        'event_type': '...', # event name
        'playbook': '...',  # playbook name
        'details': [{'...'},{'...'}] # alert findings
    # Invoke create_events function with event_details
    create_events(event_details, context)
    return {"statusCode": 200}

The create_events function takes two parameters: event_details and context.

context is the AWS Lambda context which all Lambda functions receive when they are executed by AWS. It’s passed to the create_events function without any modification.

event_details is a dictionary constructed by the developer of the Event Endpoint that must contain the below key-value pairs:

Key Type Description Required? Example Value
event_type string The unique event name Yes Anomalous Login IP Detected
details list of dicts List of dictionaries containing aggregated findings for the event type Yes [{"username": "bruce.wayne","ip": ""}]
playbook string The Playbook to execute for the event Yes InvestigateLogin

For our tutorial, all the values needed to populate the event_details dictionary are conveniently contained in the alert payload our detection system will send.

So the implementation for our tutorial endpoint will look like this:

from socless import create_events
import json

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    alert_payload  = json.loads(event['body'])
    event_details = {
        'event_type': alert_payload['alert_name'],
        'playbook': alert_payload['response_plan'],
        'details': alert_payload['details']
        create_events(event_details, context)
    except Exception as e:
        return {"statusCode": 400, "body": f"{e}"}
    return {"statusCode": 200}

Include this implementation in the file in the tutorial_endpoint folder. Note that the current implementation does not include an authentication mechanism to protect our endpoint. Authentication for endpoints will be discussed in the Event Endpoints reference documentation here. For now, we’ll keep our endpoint simple and include authentication later in our tutorial.

With the logic for our Event Endpoint implemented, we’re ready to configure it for deployment

Configuring our Event Endpoint for Deployment

Much like Socless’ core infrastructure, Event Endpoints are deployed as Serverless Framework applications. Since we created our socless-tutorial folder using the socless-integrations-template, it is already pre-configured with much of the information we need to deploy our Event Endpoint (the current pre-configurations will be explained in the socless-integrations-template reference documentation here).

All we need do now is add configurations for the tutorial_endpoint function we just created. Open the serverless.yml file contained within our socless-tutorial folder. This file is where configurations for our socless-tutorial Serverless application lives. At the bottom of the file, let’s configure a lambda function that:

  • is reference-able in our config as TutorialEndpoint
  • is named _socless_tutorial_endpoint
  • has its entry point (handler) at lambda_function.lambda_handler
  • has the description: “Receives alerts from our tutorial detection system”
  • creates its source package from the contents of the functions/tutorial_endpoint folder of our socless-tutorial folder
  • is triggered by an http POST request to the /endpoints/tutorial path of Socless’ API endpoint

Here’s what that configuration looks like:

    name: _socless_tutorial_endpoint
    handler: lambda_function.lambda_handler
    description: Receives alerts from our tutorial detection system
        - functions/tutorial_endpoint
      - http:
          path: /tutorial
          method: post

We are now ready to deploy and test our endpoint.

Deploy The Endpoint

Since we’re still in the development phase, we’ll only deploy the event endpoint to our Socless dev environment. Do so by running the below command

npm run dev

Once the deployment is successful, you will find a URL that ends in /tutorial in the Service Information section. This is the URL for the endpoint we just deployed. It’s where our tutorial detection system will send our alert payload. Keep it handy. We'll need it to test the playbook