Prompt a User for Confirmation

Open the InvestigateLogin playbook in your socless-playbooks repository. The playbook is at the path playbooks/investigate_login/playbook.json

Take a second to review and admire the playbook. Currently, it starts at a Geolocate_IP state and ends at a Notify_Bat_Signals_Channel state.

Modify Notify_Bat_Signals_Channel to transition to a state called Verify_Login_With_User. Do with by changing the transition configuration for Notify_Bat_Signals_Channel from "End": true to "Next": "Verify_Login_With_User".

Next, add the below Interaction state to your States object.

"Verify_Login_With_User": {
          "Type": "Interaction",
          "Resource": "${{self:custom.slack.PromptForConfirmation}}",
          "Parameters": {
            "target": "$.artifacts.event.details.username",
            "target_type": "user",
            "text": "Hi {context.artifacts.event.details.username}, I noticed that your account was logged into from {}",
            "prompt_text": "Did you login from {}?"
          "Next": "Post_Update_To_Bat_Signals"

The state, which is called Verify_Login_With_User, uses the Lambda Integration, PromptForConfirmation, to send a yes-no button prompt to the user. It accepts the parameters:

  • target: the Slack entity being messaged
  • target_type: The type of Slack entity being messaged (in this case, a user)
  • text: The initial message to
  • prompt_text: The text that asks as a subject line for the yes-no prompt
  • receiver: The name of the state in the playbook that will receive the response (in this case Await_User_Verification)
"Post_Update_To_Bat_Signals": {
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "${{self:custom.slack.SendMessage}}",
      "Parameters": {
        "target": "bat-signals",
        "target_type": "channel",
        "message_template": "User, `{context.artifacts.event.details.username}` responded `{context.results.Verify_Login_With_User.actions.value}` to the alert"
      "End": true

Post_Update_To_Bat_Signals uses the Socless Slack SendMessage integration to send a message to the channel. This SendMessage integration is identical to the one we created in the Getting Started tutorial. We pass it the #bat-signals channel and the templatized message to send. Pay attention to the {results.Verify_Login_With_User.actions.value} variable in the message template. When a SOCless Slack message button is pushed, the result is returned in a dictionary that contains, amongst other things, information about what button was pushed. The information is stored at *.actions.value and is the string "true" if yes was pressed, or "false" if no was pressed. In the next tutorial, we'll learn how to use that information to guide the execution of our workflow.

For now, let's test our updated playbook to see how it works.

Testing our updates

Since our playbook has already been listed in our socless-playbooks serverless.yml, we simply need to redeploy socless-playbooks to publish our updates. Do so by running the below command. Be sure to change dev to match the environment you're deploying to (for our tutorials, it should be dev)

npm run dev

Next, let's send an alert to the Event Endpoint from our Getting Started Tutorial. The alert payload is below:

  "alert_name": "Suspicious Login Detected",
  "response_plan": "InvestigateLogin",
  "details": [
      "username": "bruce.wayne",
      "ip": ""

Change the username to your Slack username then save the payload to a test_case.json file in the investigate_login folder.

Next, use the below curl command to send the payload to our Event Endpoint. Be sure to replace {endpoint-url} with your endpoint URL

curl -X POST {endpoint-url} -d @playbooks/investigate_login/test_case.json

If the request is successful, you'll receive a notice of an alert in the #bat-signals channel, and a message from the socless-bot asking you if you logged into your account from China. When you click either "yes" or "no" you'll see a new message in the #bat-signals channel with your response.

Congratulations! You've successfully added human interactivity into your playbook! 🍾

Move on to the next page of the tutorial to learn how to control the flow of your playbook based on a human's response